Sunday, May 15, 2022

 Ferjulian's Farm, in Hudson, Massachusetts recently started having "Tulip picking days" in their beautiful flower picking garden (  

A patron of Emma's Cafe in Stow contacted me to request a painting of Ferjulian's flower picking as a Mother's Day gift for her mother.

I went out to Ferjulian's, and sketched the flower picking scene, then made a 5x7 inch watercolor on site.

It was a lot of fun to see the mother and children walking up and down the rows of tulips. 

Thursday, February 3, 2022

 A road trip in summer 2021 yielded this acrylic 16x20 of the Pinnacle Buttes in Wyoming.

Pinnacle Buttes, Shoshone National Forest, Wyoming

16x20, Acrylic on linen panel.  Acrylic dries quickly so it is excellent for complex outdoor scenes which must be completed in one or two sittings.