Friday, May 31, 2019

Ferjulians Farm seen from Main Street and Chestnut Street rests on a dramatic rise.  This four-generation family operation includes beautiful greenhouses and an orchard overlooking its farm stand.  On a weekend walk I sketched this view up Main Street, later returning with oil paint.

Ferjulian’s Farm from Chestnut and Main Streets, Hudson, 5x7 pen on paper

Ferjulian’s Farm from Chestnut and Main Streets, Hudson, 5x7 oil on linen

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Ferjulian's Farm from the back, 5x7 pen on paper
Ferjulians is a family owned farm and nursery, in Hudson, Massachusetts open since 1942 (   It has a beautiful large greenhouse, barn, and orchards, set on a the ridge of a long hill.   I made the pen sketch for compositional practice, then returned to make a small oil painting.  That day, the clouds were rolling in from the west. 
Ferjulian's from behind, 5x7 oil on linen

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Horse corrals in Spring
9x12 watercolor on paper

A number of Belgian draft horses shown in the annual Sudbury Fourth of July Parade ( live in these yards or corrals.   The farm looks to the west; and the incoming weather made for a dramatic sky.  This painting started as an exercise in capturing moving clouds.  It was painted wet-into-wet.  I added the horse corrals and the airplane later.